Newsletter 04-20-2018

GUESTS:  Homer Gilson a guest of Scott Potucek.  Pam Calhoun, Rod’s wife.  Dee Bisbee, Terry’s wife.
FINES:  Troy Thode and Rich Shelton shared the Sergeant-at-Arms duties this morning.  All those who did not bring a guest paid a dollar.  Dan Power paid to announce that Shirley collects gently used shoes to raise funds for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
ANNOUNCEMENTS:  The AMBUCS demo trailer was manned during Third Thursday.  We are planning to do this again the third Thursday in May from 5:30-8:30 PM.  If you can join us there please do so.
PROGRAM:  Kathy Hanks introduced our very own Terry Bisbee who presented a PowerPoint presentation about living in Germany.  Before retiring in Hutchinson, Terry worked for 40 years for Sandia National Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  During that tenure he was able to move to Germany for two 3 year stints 1998-2001 and 2004-2007 working with U.S. Air Force bases doing security assessments.  Living in a suburb of Stuttgart Germany and working from the J-5W Nuclear Surety Branch offices he and his wife were able to see much of Germany and the surrounding countries.  It just happened to work out that they were able to live in the same house both times.  He showed photos of the Mercedes Museum which is in downtown Stuttgart with lots of photos of castles, palaces and many towns.  They visited Berlin which still has a 100 yard section of the original wall with a brick trail where the wall was located.  Photos of the Oktoberfest festival which occurs in September (go figure) in Munich.  Neuschwanstein and Lichtenstein castles and others.  Along with riverboat photos taken along the Rhine River.  If you haven’t been to Germany you need to add it to your bucket list.  Auf Weidersehen!
Lucky Ace Drawing:  Stan Macgirvin drew the Ace of Spades from the last 5 cards winning over $1,000 and finishing this round.
Newsletter Drawing:   Darin Ackley knew the answer.  We just don’t know how much he won.
Newsletter Question:  For $5…For whom and where did Terry Bisbee work the majority of his life?
Next Meeting:  4/27 – Crime-stoppers of Reno County
Editor: Steve Conard