Big Hat Club

The Big Hat Club is an honor group within AMBUCS. In order to qualify, a member must recruit three new members in a 12-month period. The club exists to take membership, fundraising and fun to a whole new level.

The Big Hat Club was started by Past National President Charles E. Mitchell during his term at the June 18, 1939, executive board meeting. The idea was to present a shirt to each Ambuc able to recruit at least three new members in a 12-month period. The concept was to create incentive to bringing in new AMBUCS members. The individual who brought in the most new members would receive the “Rabbit Trophy”! Fortunately, at the July 2 meeting it was decided to award a ten-gallon hat instead and recipients would form a Big Hat Club.

These special, fun-loving members are the backbone of AMBUCS and provide leadership in recruiting new members and supporting the AMBUCS mission.